Practice Nurse Services
The nurses employed by the practice provide a wide range of caring and preventative services. They run clinics for asthma, diabetes, hypertension, vascular disease (encompassing Ischaemic Heart Disease and Stroke), well woman clinics, family planning, immunisations and minor surgery. As well as the clinics our practice nurses provide a wide variety of services including dressings, injections, and travel advice/immunisations. An appointment system is in operation.
Please note that our nurses do not undertake post-operative wound care or suture removal; this is arranged by the hospital at the District Nurse wound care clinic in Colwyn Bay or Llandudno.
Health Care Assistants (HCA) Services
Our Healthcare Assistants, Debbie Percival and Charlotte Roberts, assist with many duties traditionally performed by the practice nurses e.g. blood pressure checks, ECGs, spirometry, chaperoning and in-house INR checks for those suitable patients. They also perform new patient medicals.