Provided that you are older than 16 years, you can make repeat prescription requests at the surgery online using the NHS Wales App. Please do not use this facility if you have an urgent prescription request. Details of how you can register for the App can be found on the above link.
If you are having problems with the NHS Login account, please click here to read guidance by the NHS login Help Centre. If you are still having problems, please click here to contact NHS Login support. Thank you.
Repeat Prescriptions
For patients needing regular long-term medication we have a computerised system of repeat prescriptions. Please leave the computer list through our surgery letterbox before 13:00, marking clearly the items that you need, or post it to us enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope, or by requesting on-line using MHOL.
Please allow at least 48 hours for processing, except on a Friday when prescriptions will be ready for collection from the surgery reception desk the following Tuesday after 14:00.
Please note that if you choose a pharmacy as an ordering or collection point, the turnaround is 3 working or longer, rather than 48 hours (apart from Fridays when the prescription will be ready to collect from the pharmacy the following Wednesday). Please ask your chosen chemist how long it will take.
Please click here for further details of prescription turnaround times!
Please note that items marked 1/1 or past the expiry date on your prescription tear-off slip, are not/no longer repeat items and may be declined. Please use the following form to place a request for such 'acute' items that are not on/no longer on repeat prescription - acute prescription request form.
It is important that your treatment is monitored regularly so every 6-12 months you will find a message on the computer slip asking you to make an appointment with the doctor.
Practice Pharmacist
Our practice pharmacist, Samantha Standeven, among other responsibilities, helps our GPs monitor patient repeat prescriptions. She may occasionally arrange a telephone call with you to discuss your medication.
Other Prescribing Staff
Our Practice Prescribing Technician (Amanda J Hughes), who is employed by Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, works from the Practice, assisting it in the provision of high-quality prescribing. Members of the pharmacy team employed by Conwy East Collabarotive may also work at the surgery.
Ordering Prescriptions
Please do not use the telephone to request prescription: this can lead to serious errors and blocks the telephone lines.
Delivery of Prescribed Medication
Please note that many pharmacies provide a medication delivery service. Some pharmacies will charge you for this service. It is important that you are aware of the potential costs involved when making a decision about your choice of pharmacy and whether to request medication delivery. The cost and exemptions may vary between pharmacies.
Text messaging
The surgery will occasionally text you about your repeat prescription. Please ensure that you make us aware of any change to your mobile phone number - this is your responsibility.